Register for the Bob’s Trees Annual Pancake Breakfast here

Register for the Sugarbush Breakfast here

Reunion 2025 will take place on campus July 25–27.
Registration information will be available in mid-May.
We look forward to welcoming alumni from all class years with special attention to Class Years ending in 5 & 0.

Questions?  Contact the Alumni Office: (518) 327-6253

Alumni Event Registrations

Join us for a delicious breakfast prepared by our hosts Linda & Dave Eaton ‘61 at this annual alumni event.
Saturday, March 22
9 a.m. – Noon
Bob’s Trees; 1227 West Galway Road, Galway, NY
$10 Adults/$5 children (12 & under)
RSVP by March 14
Register Here

Throughout the year our Forestry students work the sugar bush to make
each spring’s crop of pure maple syrup – which you’ll enjoy with a breakfast
prepared by the Paul Smiths – Gabriels Volunteer Fire Department.
All proceeds will benefit the PSGVFD.

Saturday, April 26, 9 – 11 a.m.
Paul Smith’s College Sugar Bush
White Pine Road, Paul Smiths, NY

Price $10 adults, $5 children (12 & under)
RSVP by April 16
Register Now!
Questions? or (518) 327-6253